Astrologer KK Shastri

Reasons for Delay in Marriage According to Astrology & How to Fix It

Reasons for Delay in Marriage According to Astrology & How to Fix It

Marriage is a beautiful journey, but there are times when people meet delays in getting their ideal partner or in settling down. The reasons for the delay in getting married could be many, and astrology has its reasons for such delay.

Astrologically, many believe that the effect of the placement of planets, stars, and the energy of the cosmos cannot leave a person unaffected by life events like marriage. If you are one such person who is awaiting such a day, astrology might have something to tell you about it in finding that moment when somehow it just doesn’t quite show up.

Astrological insights into your partner’s behaviour can help you understand the dynamics of your relationship. By studying the influence of planets on your partner’s chart, an astrologer may provide guidance on improving communication and resolving conflicts.

Reasons for Delay in Marriage According to Astrology

  1. Malefic Planetary Influence

    The most common reason for delayed marriages is often the influence of planets like Saturn, Mars, or Rahu. They are believed to be obstacles and challenging planets. If any of these planets is in the 7th house of your birth chart, you might face delays in marriage. You may also find it hard to find suitable partners.

  2. Weak Venus

    Venus, known as the planet of love and beauty, influences how a person views life and marriage. When Venus is weak or troubled in a natal chart, it can make starting romantic relationships hard. This may also delay marriage. Venus influences love and affection in our lives. If it faces negative aspects, it can delay marriage timing.

  3. Dasha and Antardasha Periods

    In Vedic astrology, each person goes through planetary periods known as “Dasha” and “Antardasha.” These periods can last for years. They show how certain planets affect your life. Any malefic planet, Saturn or Mars, in Dasha and Antardasha could bring delays in marriage.

  4. Position of the 7th House Lord

    Governs the marriage as it is the 7th house lord’s most important factor for marriage. A weak, debilitated, or poorly placed 7th house lord can delay marriage. If the lord of the 7th house is in the 6th, 8th, or 12th house, it suggests challenges in finding a marriage partner.

  5. Aspects of the Planets

    Aspects of the 7th house of marriage show how planets influence relationships with their karmic energy. Malefic planets can affect the 7th house of marriage or its lord. Their influence may delay marriage or cause problems in relationships.

  6. Lagna and Marriage Compatibility

    Lagna or ascendant represents the whole personality and life of an individual. If Lagna and the 7th house are not well aligned, it can delay marriage even more. The time of marriage deeply matters for the Lagna of two individuals as well.

  7. Navamsa Chart

    The Navamsa chart, also known as D9, is a key part of Vedic astrology. It provides deep insights into marriage and relationships. This chart is key for timing a marriage. It shows how the Navamsa arranges the planets. If the planets are weak in the Navamsa chart, it might suggest a delay in marriage.

Reasons for Delay in Marriage According to Astrology & How to Fix It

How to Fix Delayed Marriage According to Astrology?

If astrology causes a delay in marriage, you can try several remedies that might help. These remedies reduce the bad effects of evil planets and enhance the good effects of positive ones.

    1. Perform Pujas and Rituals

      A common suggestion for delays in marriage is to perform certain pujas and rituals. These aim to calm the harmful planets and boost the positive ones. For example, when Saturn is causing delays, one may either perform the Shani Puja or visit a Shani temple. Likewise, if Venus is weak, one may perform a Venus Puja to strengthen the planet of love.

    2. Recite Mantras

      Chanting certain specific mantras works as a remedial measure for planets. For example:

        • Chant the Venus Mantra for love in a relationship.

      “Om Shukraya Namah” to clear all love and relationship issues.

        • Chant this Saturn mantra for a break in delays:

      “Om Sham Shanicharaya Namah.”

    3. Wear Gemstones

      Wearing gemstones is often recommended in astrology, as they can improve communication in love marriages. For instance, a suitable gemstone can strengthen the bond between partners, especially when dealing with misunderstandings or communication breakdowns in marriage. Talk to an astrologer first. They can help you pick the right stones based on your birth chart.

    4. Offer Charity

      Astrology suggests that donating to charity, especially to those in need, can reduce the negative effects of planets. You can donate to help with two causes: the marriage of underprivileged girls or support for the orphanage. Such benevolence will attract positive energy into your life.

    5. Perform a Marriage Remedy Ritual

      Astrology offers remedies to attract the right spouse and clear obstacles. Devotees pray to Lord Vishnu or Goddess Lakshmi. They seek blessings for good marriage prospects and to overcome obstacles.

    6. Seek Astrological Counseling

      Consulting an expert astrologer for love marriages can provide valuable insights into overcoming obstacles and identifying the right time for marriage. An astrologer can help you navigate challenges and offer remedies specific to your birth chart.

    7. Fasting on Specific Days

      Fasting on specific days linked to planets can boost their positive effects. For instance, fasting on Fridays is for Venus, and fasting on Saturdays is for Saturn. People think that fasting pleases these planets. It may also reduce their negative effects.


Horoscope plays a major role in understanding the causes of delays. Malefic planetary influences, weak Venus, and the position of the 7th house lord are often seen as key factors contributing to delays in marriage.

But remember that astrology is only one aspect of life. Astrology can guide you, but you need to put in the effort for a healthy relationship. Also, be patient at the right time.

If you’re facing delays, try some of the remedies above. Also, keep a positive attitude. People marry at different ages. The right time will come when the universe aligns with your wishes. Marriage is a beautiful journey. With some help from horoscopes, it can be smoother and filled with love.

Frequently Asked Question

How can fasting help in resolving marriage delays?

Fasting on specific days associated with planets can help reduce the negative influence of malefic planets and improve your chances of marriage.

Yantras are sacred geometric designs used in astrology. For marriage-related issues, using a Kumkum Yantra is believed to invite positive energy and remove obstacles in finding the right partner.

Astrology can give insights into the timing of marriage, but it is not always exact. It helps identify favourable periods, but free will and personal efforts also play a significant role in marriage timing.

Consulting an astrologer can help you understand the astrological reasons behind marriage delays and provide remedies. However, it’s not compulsory, and personal efforts in relationships are equally important.

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